
Constantin Hoferer, LL.M. (London) - Fully Qualified LawyerProfile
Constantin is a fully qualified lawyer and expert in Intellectual Property Law. I am currently based in Germany.

Professional Experience

2019 - todayLegal Counsel for Open Source SoftwareDaimler AG
2016 - 2018Junior Legal Counsel for Global Innovationadidas AG
2019Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations in New York
2018THEOPARK Rechtsanwälte und Steuerberater Partnerschaft mbB, lawyers and tax advisors (corporate law)
2018Luftamt Nordbayern, civil aviation authority
2017Staatsanwaltschaft Nürnberg-Fürth, public prosecutors, chamber of commercial crime
2017Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth, civil law chamber at the district court of Nuremberg-Fuerth

Qualification & Academic Record

2020MBA Essentials at London School of Economics and Political Science (online certified)
2019Fully Qualified German Lawyer, second state examination
2016LL.M. in Intellectual Property law at Queen Mary University of London
2015German Diploma Lawyer at Freie Universität Berlin, first state examination

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